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Scihi to the Future:

Phase One of the #InnovateSciHi2020 Agenda

Welcome to the dawn of a new era of Scihi! Marking 50 years of Scholarly Excellence, Cebu City National Science High School, in partnership with the Supreme Student Government enters cyberspace with the launching of the Official Science High Website!

Harnessing the full potential of the Internet, this platform aims to propel Science High into new heights never before seen in its history.

Through this website we aim to streamline everything regarding Science High:

First Agenda: Direct Dissemination


The website takes on the role of a centralized announcement platform, here we aim to improve communication between the administration and the student body, this includes everything from entrance exams to class suspensions.

And it doesn't stop there, the website also allows for more efficient and specialized interactions between students and teachers, wherein teachers could utilize it as a one-stop site for all the announcements they'd like to personally address towards specific students, sections, and year levels in regards to their concerned subjects.

All this is to make information dissemination as seamless as possible, providing a fast, reliable, and convenient method of communication for all parties involved.

Reducing possible delays, aggravating wrong calls and misinformation, intrusive and repetitively annoying inquiries via PM's , all the trouble for just simply trying to gather information in general could finally be patched up through the website.

Second Agenda: Collaborative Community


The SciHi Community is one that isn't limited to the students of present, we are talking about 50 years worth of students who have gone through the gates of this academic institution and made it their own second home.

So for all the Scihiyistas now and at heart, this is the site which would bond us all together into one big family, introducing features such as the Forum, where just like a social media site, scholars old and new could discuss anything about Science High, reminiscing nostalgic memories and the sympathies every Scihiyista shares.

Not only that, this provides another outlet for them to collaborate with one another, sharing similar sentiments, students can have open discussions between each other, with faculty and even the administration about current issues pertaining to the school, encouraging better relationships within stakeholders especially in terms of transparency, accountability and communication. This also provides the perfect condition for even more innovative ideas to flourish and improve our academic experience.

Even alumni could join in on the discussion too as the site provides an access for them to get in touch with other stakeholders and propose the many other projects they’d like to contribute in gratitude to their second home.

Third Agenda: Mainstreaming Modernization


Science High has withstood the test of time, a testament of its 50 years of creating world-class scholars, but times are changing faster than it ever was. In this highly-digitized era, competition becomes even tougher, with so much access to tools that shorten the time it takes to do what were once insurmountable tasks, the stakes are raised even higher and this world we now live in demands nothing but top-quality in the fastest way possible, and those who can’t follow in on the trend fast enough is doomed to irrelevance. Science High could not afford that, Science High could not allow itself to lag behind, not for how far it has gone since and how much more it can still be.

Through this website, we can finally integrate our age-old standard of excellence and pair it with the full capacity of our modern technologies. Through this, we hope to open up a prospect for the school and its stakeholders that never was once thought possible before, the Internet. From a centralized announcement system to interactive discussion making and even an online SciHi merchandise shop, we aim to invite every stakeholder, every Scihiyista new and old to the opportunities our information-driven world can provide for us, and hopefully kickstart the trend in fully digitizing and automating a Science High fit for the demands of the 21st Century.

This website is still at its infancy, more exciting and revolutionary features are yet to come, not to mention all the other stuff we got in store in this golden year for our school. But it doesn't just stop there, beyond the superficial projects that has and shall sprout up as we continue our campaign in innovating SciHi, we the very students of this prestigious institution must become our very own campaign, make a mark for ourselves and for the school for the whole world to see.

There’s not a second we can afford to waste, it’s all hands on deck this time around. We’re calling all Scihiyistas to help us cement our school in the global stage. Like the 50 years it has been, to the 50 more years and beyond that it can still be, Cebu City National Science High School shall continue to be leaders in world-class academic excellence.

The moment is ripe for the taking, Scihi, to the future!

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